Over 420 children in 7 communities in Ondo State have been identified and withdrawn/prevented from cases of child labour through support from the International Labour Organization (ILO) with funding from the Netherlands Government.

Dr Agatha Kolawole, the National Coordinator of the Accelerating Action for the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains in Africa – ACCEL Africa Project and her team, accompanied by the implementing organisations in Ondo State KidsnTeensngo and Restoration Womanhood are currently visiting the communities to distribute educational materials to the beneficiaries who have already been given new uniforms, sandals and shoes to make learning conducive and life transforming.

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Through the two prong strategy of quality education and poverty alleviation, the children and their parents are being empowered to end child labour in their lifetime because child labour only increases generational poverty.

#endchildlabour #endchildlabournow

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