Today is called ‘Good Friday’ because it is the day when Jesus was rejected so that mankind can be accepted before God. Jesus was killed so that mankind can be healed from sin. So we rejoice!
Thus, same way we should rejoice and continue to rejoice as the number of cases detected by the NCDC keep increasing because It is a sign that we are complying, awareness is increasing, people are coming out.
The increasing cases are cases that if not detected could contribute to a monstrous spread of Coronavirus and the damaging effect would lead to more deaths.
It took us so late to start enforcing basic precautionary measures like closing borders and closing down gathering points to effectively curtail COVID-19.
Every single case, if contact tracing is done, could infect a minimum of 15 persons a day. Joining a taxi puts other people at risk when an infected person sneezes and have contact with different groups of people, again the risks are enormous with family members and neighbours.
So we should read good meanings to daily data on NCDC dashboard because it gives one joy to know cases are being detected till Covid19 gets to a peak and drastically drops.
Till there is a cure, let’s keep keeping safe.
Martin-Mary Falana
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