The Ondo State Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (STBLCP) holds quarterly review meeting to create room for team discussion on updates on progress and strategies to end Tuberculosis (TB) and leprosy. Program managers, M&E officers, and Community Based Officers (CBOs), partner and stakeholder in the state come together, to discuss the achievements and further improvement in care and management of TB and leprosy.
The state M&E officer, Mr. Alex started the meeting by stating the objectives of the 2-day review meeting on TB and Leprosy. Firstly, the review meeting held was to collate and analyze the state quarterly report. Secondly, to identify key challenges hindering the successful implementation of the program. Lastly, to review the progress made in the implementation of Tuberculosis and leprosy control activities in the state.
Mr Alex went on to introduce the program manager and the new chairman, Mrs. Adelabu alongside her secretary, Mrs. Ayodele. Also, the Assistant Deputy Director of Primary Health Care Board, Dr. Falodun commended the team effort to eradicate TB and leprosy in Ondo State.
Matters on Tuberculosis and Leprosy
During the STBLCP meeting to end tuberculosis and leprosy, team members discussed and concluded that, if a child tests negative on the free stool analysis for TB, the TBLS in charge should proceed to recommend an X-ray scan. Furthermore, both free X-rays scan for children and stool diagnosis must go hand in hand with the exception that, the stool analysis reports positive, in this case, there is no need for a x-ray scan.
There was an open discussion where participants brainstormed on the new challenges like shortage of technical persons and microscope. Also, on creative ways to overcome challenge faced e.g. making tips available for technicians. Again, persons to be responsible for implementing the strategies mentioned.
Key Activities
K&TRC representative; Miss Janet Ogabo, said her greetings, appreciated the program manger and members of the State TBLCP for their efforts toward easing the life of people experiencing TB and leprosy.
She proceeded to make her presentation on “DRTB CASES MANAGED WITHIN THE QUARTER AND THEIR CHALLENGES”. Miss Ogabo presented an M&E data on the achievements in the quarter. In addition, she informed the participants about patient’s response towards the drugs, general improvement of patient health and their feedbacks. Furthermore, Janet stated the challenges of CBOs following up on the patients and gave recommendations for better results and growths.
The state M&E officer; Mr Alex did a step down training on achieving an evidence based program. He said the purpose of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is to determine the timeliness of a program, with planned activities to generate knowledge and help to inform policy. In addition, he emphasized that M&E is not an enemy and should not be avoided as it improves data quality for data use.
Moreover, the M&E officer updated the participants on the LGA Progress Data. He mention the best performing facilities to be Akure South, Idanre, Odigbo, Akoko South, however Akoko North-East were outstanding. Furthermore, he encouraged all the LGAs to be on their toes and top their game at all times. He quoted “As long as we are still breathing, there’s room for improvement”. Mr. Alex thanked the 18 Tuberculosis and Leprosy Supervisors (TBLS) and state team for their support and he encouraged them to not relent.
Members of the team sent forth outgoing and retiring TBLSs. The team also, presented Cash gifts and OX fans to them for their remarkable contributions.
Lessons learnt
At the closure of the STBLCP meeting towards ending tuberculosis and leprosy in Ondo state, the participants learnt the following:
- The higher the presumptive, detectable and curing effects of DRTB cases the better the state is doing to eradicate TB
- Stool analysis is another method of detecting TB in children
- Patients that were diagnosed pathologically must be contact traced.
- Demands refer to the value we place on data
- A man who’s not responsible will always query his tools
- For you to be curing TB, your success story must not be less than 90%
- For you to control TB, you must achieve 70% of your target

See Also:
3 thoughts on “STBLCP Review Meeting to end Tuberculosis and Leprosy”
Oluwashola Blessing
Wonderful work! Remarkable!
“Great share!”
Treatment for tuberculosis is crucial. All over the world, treatment is not quick or easy. The duration of treatment and side effects from the drugs used often cause big problems for TB patients, even the global efforts in eradicating the disease.
Oluwabukola Aremu
Wonderful 👍