Stakeholders’ Capacity Building Workshop; Reducing Child Labour
Child Labour; a menace affecting the dignity of children morally and academically, upsetting their future contribution to global development. ILO recent estimate reveals that Nigeria has the highest children labourers among the ECOWAS countries with 10.5million children toiling in different exploitative conditions in Global supply chains.

Hence there is a need for a call to action to reduce the challenges posed by Child Labour. Against this backdrop, the International Labour Organization Accelerating Action Against Child Labour in Global Supply Chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa) Project organized a 3 day M&E Training on ACCEL Africa Results Framework and Indicator Measurement Guidelines with funding support from the Government of the Netherlands.
The Capacity building programme held at Grand Pela Hotel Abuja had in attendance. It was a cross section of stakeholders from Government Agencies, Employers Association, Organized Labour, Academia and Civil Society Organizations (CSO).
Stakeholders were introduced to the Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the ACCEL Africa II Project, development of key-performance indicators that are SMART in nature. Also, participants were exposed to innovative data collections methods, tools and reporting guidelines.
The training emphasized the importance of avoiding over or under reporting. Rather, it should communicate the actual effects of the intervention on the benefiting communities; ‘report change and not just activities’.
After the training, stakeholders are expected to apply the knowledge gained. It is to be applied in the implementation of the second phase of the ACCEL Africa Project. This is to achieve the programme development objectives in line with Global best practices