Voting is one of the most Important duties and rights you exercise as a citizen of Nigeria. You are allowed the right to vote for whichever political candidate bests represents your interest in government. For instance, if you want your road fixed, or your community developed, you can vote for these things by voting-in a candidate that aligns with your needs.
Every citizen of Nigeria has a civic responsibility to perform in the electoral process. But in order to participate in the voting process, you must meet the requirements for becoming an eligible voter, they are :
– You must be at least 18years old
– You must be a Citizen of Nigeria : either by birth, Naturalization or descent.
If you meet the above set of requirements, then the next step is to obtain your voter’s card by registrating with the Independent National Electoral Comission (INEC).
Locate the INEC office closest to you or register online by visiting:
www.cvr.inec.gov.ng or www.cvr.inecnigeria.org
Every eligible voter, irrespective of status or occupation should register, it is your civic right and responsibility. Register today.
www.cvr.inec.gov.ng or www.cvr.inecnigeria.org