Exercises for Children during COVID-19 Lockdown & Era

The greatest asset that an individual can possess is sound health. Therefore, physical exercise remains the only vital tool for achieving optimum health across all ages. It is one of the most important factors of health promotion, especially among children.


A lot of definitions and interpretations have been contracted for the term “physical exercise” depending upon perception and interest. In this wise, it is pertinent to make a brief exposition on the meaning of physical exercise, physical activity and physical fitness.

Physical Activity – is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases result in energy expenditure above a basal level, and the energy can be measured in kilocalories.

Physical Exercise – is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive that has a final or an intermediate objective of improve or maintain physical fitness and overall health.

Physical Fitness – is a set of attributes that are either health or skilled related and the degree to which people have these attributes can be measured with specific test.


There are (4) type of physical exercise:

  1. Endurance / Aerobic : Activities that increases breathing and heart rate.
  2. Strength Exercise : Activities that make muscles stronger.
  3. Balance Exercise : Activities that help prevent falls (especially among adults)
  4. Flexibility Exercise : Activities that involves stretching of muscles and can help the body stay limb.

All these four classification of physical exercise are good for our health, if only we can do it correctly.

FACT – According to World Health Organization (WHO)

In order to improve cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness, bone health, cardiovascular and metabolic health:

  1. Children and youth aged (5–17) should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
  2. Most of the daily physical activity should be aerobic. Vigorous-intensity activities should be incorporated, including those that strengthen muscle and bone at least (4) times per week.

Now back to the topic doable physical exercise for children during COVID-19 Lockdown. There is no single exercise that is not doable but it depends on three cardinal points:

  • How?
  • When?,
  • Where? and our perspective about physical exercise.

Physical exercise should be seen as a lifestyle not a routine if we must enjoy sound health and long life. There is actually no drugs without side effect and the best therapy is physical exercise. Exercise is medicine


  1. CYCLING: Cycling is a great physical exercise for kids. low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun and cheap.


  1. It helps in releasing the feel-good hormone in the body and keeps your kid in high spirits.
  2. It is a great way of staying fit and keeping off the extra weight.
  3.  It helps in building better thigh, shin, and hip muscles.
  4.  Intense cycling sessions help in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
  5.  It helps in improving blood circulation and improves brain and heart health.
  6.  It helps in keeping blood sugar levels under control and extremely beneficial for kids suffering from diabetes.

Kids enjoy this form of hippy-hoppity fun exercise. Kids may take some time to master the correct technique of skipping and once they do, they will have loads of fun. 🧶🧶


  1. Repetitive jumping movements help in strengthening calf, thigh and leg muscles.
  2. Skipping is a good fun activity for your kids.
  3.  Children who suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder )can benefit immensely from skipping exercise.
  4.  It also aids in channelizing the kid’s energy in a right manner.

This is one of the easiest and best forms of exercise.


  1. It helps in developing better immunity and helps your kid fight various illnesses.
  2.  It helps in elevating your kid’s mood.
  3. It is beneficial for your kid’s heart and brain health.

Dance exercise is a great way of keeping your kid hale and healthy.💃💃


  1. It is a total body work out and also a fun way of indulging in an indoor exercise.
  2. Dance movements require precision and it helps in improving concentration.
  3.  It is a great way of losing body fat.
  4. It is a fun activity that all kids love to engage in.

As easy as it may sound but going up and down the stairs is a great work out of kids. You can turn it into an interesting game and involve your kid’s friends too.🧗‍♀️🧗‍♂️


  1. It is a great breathing exercise and also helps in building stamina in kids.
  2. It is an effective way of losing some extra body weight.
  3. It helps in improving bone and heart health of young children.


  • Build confidence & social skills.
  • Develops coordination.
  • Improves concentration & learning.
  • Strengthens muscles & bones.
  • Improves health & fitness.
  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Improves sleep

Exercise is medicine and from the definition of physical exercise; it must be plan and structure. Any physical exercise that lack these vital arrangement might not be productive.


  • 25 Minutes walk / jogging / run on treadmill
  • 10 Minutes for 200 laps of skipping / jumping rope
  • 10 Minutes upper body routines with hand weight
  • 5 Minutes plank
  • 5 Minutes push up
  • 5 Minutes stretch

At least your engagement must be 60minutes in a day and domestic activities are not physical exercise.

Sweeping, washing of clothes and a host of others are not physical exercise, because it is not structured and targeted toward achieving a particular objective.

Physical exercise remains the only tool in achieving optimum health among all ages. As we grow older, our cells and tissues losses their ability and the only tool to renew them is not drugs but exercise.

For people that might  have health challenges like diabetes, cancer, hypertension or obese. They all need exercise and not only drug.

General information

According to some studies, men with waist size over 102cm (40.2 inches) are five times more likely to develop diabetes. Women with a waist over 88cm (34.7 inches) are 3 times more likely to develop the condition.  Work on your body goals and develop a workout plan today. Health is wealth.

Presented by Olumide Moses ADEFEHINTI. He is a Researcher and Public Health Education Consultant with extensive experience in organizational healthcare, that trains and educate people on health promotion and healthcare utilization.

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