NHGSFP from the Perspectives of NGOs/CSOs (school feeding program)
The aim of NHGSFP is to support the Federal Government’s objective of alleviating poverty for over 100 million Nigerians. To achieve this goal, the NHGSFP is working tirelessly.
Achievements from the Perspectives of NGOs/CSOs:
Between October and December 2022, there was an increase in the number of enrollments in schools due to the school feeding program.
In some communities, parents withdrew their children from private schools and enrolled them in public schools, Thanks to NHGSFP.
The NGOs/CSOs interacted with 4,557,439 pupils from 13,609 schools in 502 Local Government Areas across 35 States and the Federal Capital Territory. The program employs 38,003 cooks to serve these schools.
Over 23 million people have indirectly benefited from the NHGSFP program