It is important to know your HIV status as HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) is one of the most deadly diseases known to man. If you’re above the age of 18, it is safe to assume that you engage in sexual Intercourse.
But do you play it safe, have you thought about the probability that you may have HIV, if you’ve had unprotected sex?
HIV has no cure, that’s why it’s important to protect yourself while having sex as a preventive method against the virus. But don’t despair, as the going says, prevention is better than cure, and the most efficient way to do this is through the use of condoms (they are usually sold at pharmacies in Nigeria).

Condoms are thin pouches worn on the gentiles, they keep sperm from getting into the vagina and help avoid direct contact of gentiles while having sex.There are male condoms and female condoms: A male condom is worn on the penis. It is usually made of latex, a type of rubber. But some are made of materials that are safe for people with latex allergies, such as polyurethane or polyisoprene.
However, if you’ve had unprotected sex it is important to get yourself checked at a clinic to ensure you haven’t contacted the virus. Always play it safe, condoms don’t reduce the pleasure that comes with sexual intercourse, it only makes it safer.